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Remote web developer jobs have been trending for nearly a decade now and whether you want to be a digital nomad or work from home, you can carry your web developer career aspirations with you. Working remotely, as a freelancer offers the ultimate freedom to those who wish to work on their own schedule. To be a web developer one needs a laptop and steady internet connection. In the past few years, it has become easier to work as a freelancer as many websites dedicated for freelance jobs have emerged. They help you not just find jobs as a freelancer, but you can also teach your skills and earn from being a skill trainer!
Today’s job market is all about skills and experience. If you are a newcomer, then what you lack for in experience you can make up for with your skills. For instance, prepare a portfolio with dummy websites or create a detailed proposal highlighting what type of web development you can do for the client. Post them on the website at a rate that someone would be willing to pay for a newcomer. If you are that good, someone will give you an opportunity. the advantage of searching for jobs on one of the job portals dedicated to freelancers is that they create an open market where anyone can view a project and bid for it or participate in a contest and it is up to the client to decide who will win the project.
Ultimately, no matter which generation you belong to, it is all about building a strong reputation for your great work ethics and strong technical skills. With remote jobs especially, where one does not have the advantage of physical contact for creating an impression it is even more important to create a strong reputation through showing good ethical skills. Your clients must know that you are reliable or else your reputation will take a drubbing with poor ratings.
On an average, a freelance web developer earns anywhere between US$40.000 to US$80,000 per annum. The figure depends on the geography where your clients come from, your work experience and quality of project. It is also dependant on the platform on which the development is happening. Ultimately, it is all about demand and supply and how well you leverage the opportunities presented to you.
Freelance web development roles are not going to exhaust any time soon as the world is just about getting started with the potential of websites for business. in the past three years we have seen an incremental growth in freelance jobs, and this is expected to grow in the years to come. For those who wish to build their portfolio and dive in with their freelance career, now is a great time to go job hunting.