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Freelancing comes with a lot of perks, best of all is that most freelance projects are short-term projects that one can work on as per their schedule. Since one is going in business as a freelancer, they can work around their schedule and invest as much time as they wish to. If your primary source of income is not your freelance jobs, then you can choose projects that interest you and hold out for well-paying jobs.
Many Indian and international companies hire freelancers online in India for short-term projects. These companies vary in size, scale and scope and have job opportunities of varying degrees of responsibility. Often, the short-term stint can lead to long-term engagement and more lucrative projects as a regular freelance consultant (or full-time employee if that is something one is aiming for). While exposure and experience are some of the major perks of freelancing, nobody would say no to earning some extra income on the side. What’s more, you do not have to declare it to your current employer unless specifically mentioned in one’s agreement, as most freelance projects do not come with reference checks.
Although working as a freelancer one isn’t entitled to benefits such as insurance or health claims from the company in most cases, the earning prospects outweigh these considerations.
Working as a freelancer part-time is lucrative as the competition in the market has spiked sharply over the past few years. Thus, one is at least assured of one regular income stream. Moreover, as freelancers, one must work harder as the number of hours put in directly translates into money earned. Depending on one’s experience and quality of work, one can earn anywhere between Rs. 15,000 to Rs. 30,000 as part-time freelancers. One can earn as much as Rs. 80,000 as they understand the work cultures and build a reputation.
In a full-time job, one gets a proper day off, the scope of work is restricted to the role one has, there is a boss and team to lean upon. This support system is not there for a freelancer, and one must work to meet the deadline and submit the project.
Freelance work must not be treated as a hobby that one pursues in their free time. It is real work that your clients are depending upon and expect you to deliver it on time. As a part-time freelancer, one must plan their schedule and give their clients a real estimate of when they will deliver the work and the hours when they can be contacted.
Whatever your field may be, whichever skill you may wish to offer as a freelancer, one must treat their service as an important aspect of their career and dedicate time and effort towards it.