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A business acquaintance told me about how they often find freelancers for temp roles in projects on ZoopUp and I decided to try it out as I needed someone with local understanding of this new market.we were entering in Western Europe. We foundbeautifully shot and engaging stock photographs by a local photographer at greatprices and our marketing material were ready faster as we skipped several processes.
Shivam Singh
Interior Designer

ZoopUp exposed me to the diverse options I had in my field and helped me expand my expertise vertically and laterally. As a freelancer it has been an exciting run bidding for different types of projects from varied industries
Anshika Srivastava
NLP Practitioner / Life Coach

I experimentally uploaded my design on Zoop-up to see if there was a market for my work, and it got picked! The most incredible feeling to see a great brand willing to associate with my design while I am still pursuing my graphic design course.
Tanya Dosaj
Co-founder & Angle Investor

I endorse ZoopUp for my project, and their incredible team of developers and sales helped me get the best out of it; they have expertise in their job. and how their executives supported us is fantastic. In addition, their team knows how to understand and implement basic ideas into working functionality. I want to do more projects with them in the future.
Himanshu Maurya
IT Service Provider
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