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Unveiling the Potential of Automated Traffic Data Analytics

ojesvi singh
ojesvi singh
Create: Mar 19,2024


Traffic management softwares have surged alongside the proliferation of data sources like GPS, connected vehicles, and traffic sensors.

This shift is spurred by the simplicity with which automated traffic data analytics solutions unveil insights buried within road traffic data. 

Let's delve deeper to uncover how transportation management freelancers use automated traffic management softwares to transform specific data types into solutions. 

Insight 1: Assessing Potential Interventions' Impact

Transportation management freelancers using automated analysis of traffic volume intensity empower traffic engineers to evaluate the impact of interventions such as lane additions, road configuration changes, or even large-scale infrastructure investments.

To achieve this, traffic engineers can employ various modeling and analysis techniques, including microsimulation, macroscopic modeling, traffic flow analysis, scenario testing, or benefit-cost analysis.

Together, these functionalities provide a comprehensive understanding of traffic conditions' context and characteristics, enabling more informed interventions.

Insight 2: Addressing the Demand for Non-Motorized Modes of Transportation

Addressing climate challenges and rapid urbanization hinges largely on how we navigate our cities. Studies indicate that transitioning to non-motorized transportation (NMT) could offer a solution.

Here, mode share and demand analyses come into play. Transportation management freelancers use these analyses to assist traffic engineers and urban planners in comprehending NMT usage and evaluating the demand for micro-mobility infrastructure in the current and planned road networks. 

Insight 3: Enhancing Safety for Vulnerable Road Users

Parameters such as vehicle trajectories enable transportation freelance experts to help traffic engineers investigate road incidents and optimize infrastructure design. This protects vulnerable people like pedestrians and cyclists. 

However, manually scrutinizing object trajectories on roads involves visual observations and data collection through on-site monitoring. This is what transportation freelance experts do.

During this process, personnel are stationed at specific road locations, meticulously tracking passing vehicles' paths and movements. They record key trajectory-related details like starting and ending points, intervals, time, lane changes, turning, etc., often on paper.

Insight 4: Streamlining Intersections

While trajectory data can enhance safety, traffic engineers can utilize queue and occupancy data to address intersection inefficiencies.

Typically, gathering data for this purpose mirrors the process of collecting trajectory records. Transportation freelance experts are stationed near intersections or bottleneck areas, observing queues and occupancy levels. They record metrics such as vehicle count, queue duration, and length. Subsequently, this data is aggregated for analysis.


From enhanced road safety and data-informed decision-making to optimized traffic flow and facilitating a seamless transition to NMT, these are just a few of the benefits traffic engineers, urban planners, and municipalities can reap from leveraging transportation management freelancers and traffic data analytics. Reach out to ZoopUp to learn more about the solutions it offers to help you make the most of your traffic data.

About The Author

ojesvi singh
ojesvi singh
Create : Mar 19,2024
