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The COVID-19 pandemic has been tough on the world but kind on freelancers as the gig economy gained growth momentum over the past two years. Companies started trusting individual freelancers with serious work and hiring them for temporary work in various capacities. The growth in technology such as Zoom, MS Teams, Google cloud that is supported by easy high-speed internet access and supporting hardware has made it easy for people to carry their work with them. The tech revolution and forced lockdowns have boosted the work from anywhere structure.
Freelancers can be hired from regular job sites, but there are many dedicated freelance job sites that have their own hiring models, where one can hire freelancers for single projects or fixed terms. These websites give the freelancer and the client freedom to set the terms of engagement in a flexible framework. One has the option to work n hire India based skilled workforce at competitive rates and tap talent from big cities and small towns without investing in their relocation.
Top MNCs are planning detailed rollouts to convince employees to return to offices regularly. A new model has evolved where freelancers are being seamlessly integrated into project teams for temporary work. Companies have recognized the cost benefits of engaging freelancers as they are easy to engage with minimum paperwork and other hiring costs.
Freelance websites attract demand for freelancers from individuals, MSMEs, MNCs, and many different avenues. Thus, the engagement model is here to stay for the long run.